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Quality Policy

Our Quality Policy

Demir Sağlık ve Hayat Sigorta A.Ş. is proud to be the first insurance company issued with an ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Certificate upon the audit by RWTÜV, a German audit and certification company, on July 24, 1996.

Founded to be a role model in its industry by offering a distinguished and high-quality service concept to the insurance business, Demir Sağlık ve Hayat is justifiably proud to be the first insurance company awarded with ISO 9001 Total Quality Certificate in Turkey.

In Demir Family, our efforts to enhance our service quality towards our customers will not remain limited to this certificate only. We will ceaselessly work hard to maintain our mission to become an exemplary insurance company that constantly develops, ultimately exceeding customer satisfaction standards.

Driven by this notion, we have identified a set of responsibilities below:

  • It is essential for us to maximize customer satisfaction and to meet the expectations of our customers that may vary depending on the current conditions. Our objective is to ensure that our customers will go for a long-term cooperation in terms of assurance they get from us and to be satisfied with our Total Quality Service concept during this cooperation,
  • To respond to the needs and expectations of our existing and potential customers which may vary based on the needs of modern life as soon as possible and in line with our quality approach,
  • To pay the utmost care and diligence to our goods and services purchased by us to enhance the quality of our services for our customers,
  • To make sure that both our employees and agents are equipped with knowledge and documentation at such standards that meet the quality service concept,
  • By treating all our employees, agents, reinsurers and insured in a manner driven by the principle of transparency, we always identify needs at every level so that we constantly restore ourselves and keep ourselves in pace with times for the better and raise the bar for our quality standard driven by that approach.